The Hot Springs Unit of the NAACP #6013 is proud to offer the NAACP Minority Student Scholarship. Application materials must be received by April 10 , 2024.
Scholarship recipients will receive scholarship funds as determined by the NAACP Branch #6013 and an annual membership (if not already a member).
Funds will be disbursed during the fall semester upon receiving acknowledgement from an accredited college, university, technical school or other higher education institution that the student is enrolled and is in good standing, usually after the eleventh day of class
Student Qualifications:
– Be a member of a minority race
– Be a Garland County resident
– Possess financial need
– Have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale
To Strengthen Application:
– Priority given to student (or student’s parent/guardian) who holds NAACP #6013 membership for a period of 6 months or more, or who submits an application for membership. The membership form accompanies this application, and the student’s membership dues will be paid by a sponsoring member.
– Attend at least one NAACP #6013 meeting during the calendar year of application
– Show community service contributions and interest in social justice
Required Application Materials:
Along with the form attached, completed application packets must include the following:
– Cover Letter introducing student and explaining interest in NAACP scholarship opportunity (1 pg limit)
– Personal Narrative detailing educational goal, career goals and reason they are deserving of the NAACP scholarship. (1pg limit)
– Copy of membership card or completed application student applicant and/or parent’s membership card, or copy of completed application to join unit 6013 as proof of eligibility (If Applicable)
– Official copy of high school transcript
– Head Shot (cap and gown is preferred) for possible use in newspaper
– Two letters of recommendation from a teacher or mentor (not family member); priority given to students recommended by a current (active) member of the NAACP Branch # 6013
Click here to download.